Monthly Archives: April 2013

The last thing Hermione destroyed


I’m linking up with Mama Kat’s writing prompts today! The prompt was, write about the last thing your pet destroyed.


It’s not quite destroyed, but Hermione did chew through a plastic bag of plastic Legos recently.

OK, a little backstory. For whatever reason, Hermione LOVES the Legos Harry Potter minifigs we have on our bookshelves. I don’t know why, maybe because her name is Hermione? Anyway, we were constantly finding them all over the house. Constantly. They were in the family room and we’d find them three rooms away. I don’t understand.

Anyway, we got a hamster (long story, but he was a class pet at work and no one was taking care of him, so we got him) so I packaged up the minifigs because Fuzzy took over their location and I wasn’t sure what to do with them. So I put them in a little plastic bag.


A week or so later, we found this, in the hallway. That’s right, Hermione not only chewed the corner of the bag, but she dragged it through two rooms into the hallway.

Really, I don’t understand her at all.

Easter, a week and a half later


Now that I’m writing part time again, I’m trying to get back into writing here. I’m sure I’ve lost half of my small number of followers because I’m not updating, but that’s OK. I’m really not concerned about my stats, clearly.

Anyway, here’s my Easter recap! My mother-in-law came to visit for a few days and she was here for Easter! We also had planned on having friends over who also don’t have family local, so it was a fun little Easter dinner we prepared.



First, let’s talk about the lambs that were down the street from us. I love when the babies come out! OK, moving on to Easter.



Hermione thought it was a good idea to help Jane with the deviled eggs.



We used Geoff’s grandma’s recipe for the deviled eggs! Also, we used up all our hard boiled eggs so we decided not to color eggs, haha. Oh well.



Since I had to stay at church for both services, I decided to plan a little appetizer! Thanks, Pinterest (OK, it doesn’t look exactly the same, but I got to use my cheese plate my aunt made for Christmas)!



Clarabelle got some awesome cuddle time in.



Obligatory mostly group picture before the meal!


I had to force everyone to take group pictures. Doesn’t Geoff look awesome in his bow tie??





I love this one of Geoff and I.



The aftermath. Sadly, it was a little too late for a nap, but we did enjoy some Les Mis and recliner time.

So, that was Easter! My first time hosting and I think it went well. Thankfully the house wasn’t totally full.